- General information
- Access data
- Cookies
- Collecting and processing of user-specific data
- Contact forms and other means of communication
- Comments and contributions
- Caesar Data Buchungssoftware
- Deletion
- Right to veto
- Site notice
General information
The intention behind this policy is to inform visitors about the manner and scope of user-specific data by the site owner „Hotel am Rathaus Heidelberg.“
The site owner is very serious about confidential information. Because of changes in law and technology we advise you to revisit this policy from time to time.
Further information about terms within this document (for example „user-specific data” (personenbezogene Daten) or „data processing“ (Verarbeitung) will be found in Art. 4 DSGVO.
Access data
As stated in Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO the site owner has a justified interest to collect data about access to its site and will save information (so-called „server-logfiles“). Therein will be logged:
- pages visited
- Date and time of access
- Amount of data sent in Byte
- origin/link that led to the access
- browser used
- operating system
- IP address
The logfiles will be saved for a maximum of seven days and will be deleted afterwards. These records will only be kept in case of a misuse and as evidence in case of an offence. In case these records become relevant as evidence deletion will be postponed until any legal consequences are concluded.
This website uses cookies (external link: Cookies (wikipedia)). Cookies improve usability.
In case you don’t approve of cookies, you will find information about how to disable and/or veto their use here:
- US-Website: http://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2#!/
- European Website: http://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1#!/
Current browsers offer the option to disables cookies. Please refer to the documentation of your respective browser. Hint: There is no guarantee, that this website will work as expected, if you should disable cookies.
Collecting and processing user-specific data
The site owner will only collect data within the legal framework and will not pass on any information without your explicit consent.
You may visit this page without giving any personal information like your name, phone number and the like.
Contact forms and other means of communication
In case you contact us (via eMail or a contact form on the site) we will save your contact information so we will be able to answer your request. Without your explicit approval, this information will not be shared with any third parties.
Comments and contributions
In case you decide to write a comment or make another form of contribution to the contents of this website, your IP-address will be recorded. This will be in accordance with Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO. In case your contribution should conflict with laws and regulations your identity could be inferred from these records.
Google Analytics
This website makes no use of Google Analytics.
Caesar-Data Booking Service
This website uses the Caesar-Data Booking Software. Using this website will send your IP address to Caesar Data. Please follow this link to review the privacy policy of Caesar Data & Software
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You have the right, to demand the deletion of user-specific data, as long as this does not conflict with any legal obligations to keep them. In that case the data will be locked and will not be brought to any other use.
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Right to veto
Users have the right to veto the usage of their personal data at any time. For further questions you can write to us:hotelamrathaus@posteo.de
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Site Notice
Responsible for internal content:
Fabian Kremsler
Hotel am Rathaus Heidelberg
Heiliggeiststraße 1
69117 Heidelberg